Helping to build better minds, bodies and souls.

Patrice G. Parker and The Noble Birth Group LLC is dedicated to teaching, inspiring, motivating, mentoring and instilling a sense of confidence, self-worth and value to the next generation.

I am overjoyed to share my dreams of becoming an author with my first children’s book.  I want to motivate and inspire others, while helping them discover their God-ordained purpose using their unique gifts and talents. Encouraging them to lay a foundation where they in turn will pay it forward to generations yet to come. 

Hi, I’m Unique – Book Reviews

Book Overview

Hi! I’m Unique is a book written to inspire children to be brave enough to dream, strong enough to believe and know that nothing is impossible. It encourages them to love themselves just the way they are and be brave and confident of who they are even if it means being different. Being different doesn’t mean you’re less than or inadequate. But it allows your unique strengths, personality and beauty to shine bright.

God sees each of us as unique and created us with intent and purpose. He has a plan for our lives and wants us to share our gifts and talents with the world.

Hi! I’m Unique is an ideal book for bedtime reading and as a tool to encourage, inspire and empower young reader

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